外掛電腦Power Control Farming


PowerControl Farming是一種智慧且高效的外掛式電子設備。在最苛刻條件下,曳引機、耕耘機和其他農業機械更是需要足夠強大的動力實現平穩的運行和作業。農業機械外掛電腦PowerControl Farming可根據農機型號和其引擎的不同,對性能進行專業定制優化,提升動力性能最高可達+25%。同時還能降低油耗至12%。
無論是曳引機、耕耘機還是其它農業機械需要足夠强大的動力來處理繁重的農務。DTE Systems還為這些柴油動力引擎提供了動力優化功能,從而提供了額外的動力儲備並大大降低了燃油消耗。

動力更強 扭矩更大

裝配PowerControl ,即使在最惡劣的環境中,它也能提供更大功率和最佳扭矩,無論是曳引機、耕耘機還是其它農業機械,在各行業中的惡劣條件下都能滿足最佳的動力控制,實現可靠平穩的運行。

Tractor chip tuning in the video: More power for a Fendt 820!


  • 操控農務更加得心應手✔
  • 提升性能和扭矩至25 %✔
  • 優化油耗表現✔
  • 優化燃油從而提升生產率✔

自行DIY或預約到府安裝 – 安裝免煩惱!



» DTE tractor news



Claas Arion 420: tailored performance

The requirements of modern agriculture grow: larger area services, lower cost. For this is the Claas Arion from DTE well equipped! After the installation of DTE‘s PowerControl PDI programming is carried out in coordination with the client.

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DTE tractor remapping for your Claas Arion 530

In terms of sheer power and performance, the DTE PowerControl is absolutely a class of its own for the standards of efficiency and durability. Whether you work on the field or dooing yard work up to heavy road transport, the innovative DTE Chiptuning offers high performance for modern agriculture.

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為生產力提供更強大的助力, 新型移動式拖拉機測功機提供全面精密的檢測。使用我們的移動測功機,精確測量功率,我們以測量結果為基礎,對引擎性能作出相應的調校以及優化。 DTE以功率測量結果為出發點,為現代化農業操作的特殊需求提供最完美的動力支持。使用我們移動式輸出軸PTO測功機,為您的農用機械進行單獨檢測,調校並優化功率。此外,我們還提供到府檢測服務。



The installation of a chiptuning box is a structural change that, unless entered in the vehicle documents by means of a Component Certificate or individual assessment by audit report, invalidates the Roadworthiness Certificate and (if used on a public highway) leads to the loss of insurance cover. The operation of farm machinery on public roads without adequate insurance violates Art. 6 of the Compulsory Insurance Act and is liable to prosecution. An increase in performance by means of chiptuning or a chiptuning box can lead to warranty claims against the seller and any warranty claims against the manufacturer being invalidated. Please check with us about insurance options. DTE Systems will be pleased to assist with obtaining the necessary documents - just ask us!